Crochet fashion and insperation


What is crochet?

Crochet and knitting is not the same
Definition: Crochet is a needlework technique performed using 1️⃣ crochet hook and yarn or other similar materials. But it might also be done with fabric, wire, twine, or other innovative stuff.
FunFact: Noone is exactly sure when and where the craft of crochet originated, but the word comes from croc, the French word for curved instrument or hook. However Research suggests that crochet probably developed most directly from Chinese needlework, a very ancient form of embroidery known in Turkey, India, Persia and North Africa, which reached Europe in the 1700s and was referred to as "tambouring," from the French "tambour" or drum.

✨Studies have shown that crocheting can reduce your levels of cortisol, the stress hormone, and increase the levels of dopamine and serotonin, the happiness hormones.✨

✨By reducing stress, your body will relax, your heart rate will decrease, and you'll feel better.✨

Coded by Ellen Duwel