Callers Books

๐ŸŒŸ Exlpore the callers world๐ŸŒŸ

Callers is a world where people having powers is common knowledge. It's basically baked into the different cultures of the world, like in Avatar or MHA. Selvari manipulate plants, Atmosians conjure storms, Dikarans summon beasts, and At'aasi open portals in spacetime. But, while everyone accepts those 4, there are other rarer types that the people in charge outlawed for being too dangerous. One of those is the Star Caller, a being capable of unknown destructive force. Mira Holt is the main character and the last known Star Caller. And, the story follows her journey of self-discovery as she goes from fugitive to revolutionary to something much greater, all while trying to navigate a world where everyone she meets either hates her, fears her, wants to use her, or doesn't even believe she's real.

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