Scream It Away


Scream therapy:
5 reasons why screaming is good for you

Whether it's from stubbing your baby toe on a piece of furniture or pure frustration from your laptop freezing for the umpteenth time, we've all felt itβ€”that deep burning desire to open your mouth and let out a long, bellowing scream. Unfortunately, societal norms ask us to swallow our verbal frustrations and maintain composure. You might get some funny looks from strangers if you yell every time something doesn't go your way. However, there's something seriously satisfying about shouting at the top of your lungs. Not only is it satisfying, but science has shown that screaming is good for you and your well-being. Don't believe me? Before you start shouting at me in angry disbelief, have a look at the five facts in the link below on why shouting will do you good.

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