I like watching movies

my favorite director is Ingmar Bergman

ingmar bergman

Ingmar Bergman, born on the 14th of July, 1918 in Uppsala, died on the 30th of July, 2007 on Fårö, was a Swedish film and theatre director, writer, theatre manager, dramatist and author. Ingmar Bergman wrote or directed more than 60 films and 170 theatrical productions, and authored over a hundred books and articles. Among his best-known works are the films The Seventh Seal, Wild Strawberries and Persona, as well as his autobiography The Magic Lantern.
Ingmar Bergman is one of the most influential filmmakers of all time. He is known for addressing complex human realities in his films. This often questions the basis and the foundations of the notions and principles on which society and civilization function. His stories stay grounded in reality. And even the supernatural and fantastic when presented (like in The Seventh Seal), take on an allegorical role. Thus going about the job of establishing a vital conundrum, quite clinically. Among other common traits in the characters, his film features the headstrong and independent female character design. This is a refreshing and interesting dynamic to experience in a cinematic capacity, especially given the quality of writing of female characters in the mainstream cinema 90s and the 2000s.

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