Reasons to Love...

It's not just for old people you know‍! 😉

Crochet Blanket

If you're looking for a new hobby then look no further! Crochet is an amazing skill to master. The beauty about crochet is you can still be great at it even if you suck at knitting. It's quite normal for people to be stronger in one discipline over the other. But why crochet?

Firstly, it is great for your health!

The naturally repetitive nature of crochet instills a sense of calm. It's also been proven to help prevent arthritis and keep you mentally sharp and it's even been used to help people successfully quit smoking! Amazing right?

Secondly, it can be pretty cost effective.

Balls of yarn and a set of crochet hooks can be picked up for less than £20. You can create some beautiful, unique gifts very cheaply to give to friends and family which you can personalise, making them worth much more to the recipient than shop bought gifts.

Lastly, the possibilities are endless.

It's hard to imagine what you can't do with crochet. Just take a glance at Pinterest and you'll be full of ideas and projects. There's no end to what you can do with a simple hook and ball of yarn. Anything from a beautiful blanket such as the one pictured above to an ice cream carton cozy to stop your hands getting cold!

I hope that gives you a flavour of how amazingly versatile and fun crochet is. If you are interested in giving crochet a go, then please check out this great Youtube channel which has videos for learners of all levels.