I love Surf

Longboard is my favourite style

surf longboard

Surfing is a surface water sport in which a surfer, uses a board to ride on the forward section, or face, of a moving wave of water, which usually carries the surfer towards the shore. Waves suitable for surfing are primarily found on ocean shores, but can also be found in standing waves in the open ocean, in lakes, in rivers in the form of a tidal bore, or in wave pools.
Longboards are pretty much any big boards between 8’ and 12’. There are some typical features that you’ll find on them. Usually, you’ll find longboards with square or rounded tail. In terms of fins, they were most popular with singles for quite some time. Nowadays, you can find longboards with all kinds of configurations such as tri-fin, 2+1, etc. Longboards are much wider than other boards and have more volume than pretty much any boards out there, giving them tons of buoyancy.

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This page was built by Maria João Fernandes