The true natural beauty

Greek Yogurt

The beauty ,beauty for years has ceased to be merely superficial, especially when we talk about the beauty of a woman, a being can't decide if a woman is beautiful or not by her physical appearance, the beauty of a woman is defined by her habits and your knowledge . I am not saying that we reject if a woman looks beautiful , after all, the superficial is our letter of introduction to the world and to all those around us. If we are honest, beauty does matter in today's society, but not just any beauty, natural beauty is currently prioritized, being transparent with healthy habits, extensive knowledge and a good cover letter, that is true beauty and beauty that judges our society.So we can see that beauty is not just being a pretty face beauty is being happy and safe in our bodys.

Obligatory habits to be a beautiful woman all your life:


🧴An adequate skin care routine is essential for women's beauty, not only because the skin is the body's main protective barrier against external aggressions, but also because practicing the routine daily at least twice a day (morning and night ) makes us look beautiful. , healthy, we delay the signs of aging (which are not bad) and we look younger, so we reduce the need to put on makeup. So why not return the favor? The key to maintaining your resistance is to treat it properly and you can do it by following these three simple "cleaning (facial cleanser), hydration (moisturizing cream or gel) and protection (sunscreen)".


Healthy eating 🥗 is one that provides the nutrients that the body needs to maintain the proper functioning of the body, preserve or restore health, minimize the risk of disease, so we get a healthy, slim and fit body.


Physical activity 🏋️‍♀️improves muscle strength and increases endurance. Exercise supplies oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and helps the cardiovascular system function more efficiently. And when the health of your heart and lungs improves, you have more 💪energy to perform daily tasks, it also helps us lose weight or keep it off. We don't need to go to the gym every day for this or kill ourselves with excruciating three-hour workouts. 45 minutes of exercise is enough, such as going for a walk, running, playing a sport like 💃dancing or 🏀basketball, or going to the gym and doing a few minutes of cardio and strength training.


Mental health includes our emotional, psychological and social well-being. It affects the way we think, feel and act when we face life. It also helps determine how we handle stress, relate to others, and make decisions🙂.


Reading 📖 increases people's comprehension, attention, observation, concentration, critical reflection thinking, and memory. Reading books 📚 makes us smarter. Reading sparks curiosity and feeds the imagination. Reading activates inspiration, imagination and the emergence of ideas.


With so much productivity in the day it is good to take 30 min of free time without the need to do something with a benefit at first glance (literally) did you know that having free time 🎮 for ourselves in the day helps the cardiovascular system, improves neuropsychological functioning , reduces stress and associated diseases, increases life expectancy and improves the immune system, thereby reducing the incidence of diseases.

This book can help you to know more about it 💻

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