Animals are wonderful β™₯

But, they're like potato chips, you can't just have one.

Learn about the benefits of having a pet from this CTV article 🐾


I'm going to share my love of animals with you. Animals are wonderful creatures who love us unconditionally and are irreplaceable.

I current, as of 2022, have six cats 🐈 and have one dog πŸ•. Currently, I'm also caring for six other cats that I'm trying to find homes for.

I love every single one, mine and the others. I'm trying not to get too attached to the ones I'm planning on rehoming because it will be harder later when I find them homes.

πŸ’› First was Anya. This story starts in 2010, with a yellow male lab and a case of my father and I having puppy fever. Let me assure you that it was an interesting couple of months. My search began on the internet with a kijiji listing of all things. A female yellow lab puppy, 9 weeks old for rehoming. I told my father and he gave me the money I needed and that was it. I set up the meeting and we made the choice to not tell my mother until the puppy was home. She might have stopped us otherwise.

I was dating at the time; I took my boyfriend, and we went to get the puppy. I should mention, my boyfriend didn’t really want a dog, but it was two against one and we went with what my father said.

We met the people outside of Winnipeg. That’s when we first saw her. She was perfect. Small and yellow. Quiet and just wanted to for us to love her. She was so little that you could hug her but, her paws told us that she wouldn’t stay little. Thinking about it makes me sad and smiley. I handed her to my boyfriend, dealt with the finer details and we were off. We got to the pet store, because as first-time owners, we needed things for this puppy. She didn’t make a noise until she was in the pet store, her first bark. Anyways, we got the things and took her home.

It was time to confess. Luckily, our co-workers had an identical male yellow lab puppy (Mack). We let het in the house, and she ran straight to where my parents were in the kitchen. We came in behind her and my mom was petting her and asked us β€œWhy is Mack here?” I could only smile and say, β€œI love you mommy.” She knew instantly β€œWhat did you do?” We told her about it, slowly. She made a face and said, you guys had better train the dog or we can’t keep her. We got her trained and got to keep her.

We gave her as much as love as we could give for 11 wonderful years. And, despite the tears upon being seperated, I would do it again.

🀎 Next was Pixie. Pixie was a dog of someone we know, she lived a rough life. When we heard that they were rehoming her, we jumped on the chance to take her into our house. The first weeks were interesting, she was scared, anxious and high-strung. If you moved while she was sleeping, she followed you because she didn't want to be alone and didn't want you to be out of sight.

It worked out great because she was socailized already and settled in with Anya wonderfully. We worked around her food agression. She was hungry as a puppy before her first home got her and when we took her, we made sure that she had enough food but not too much because too much could lead to health issues.

She is still with us. 🀎

Next came the cats... πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ–€πŸ€πŸ§‘πŸ–€ Angel was first. We had an older cat at the time but she couldn't mouse anymore because she had lost her sight due to health complications.

My boyfriend was tasked with finding us a kitten, something that could grow up to learn to respect the dogs and someone who could learn from our older cat the household rules. Also, we needed a mouser. He found one, and from the moment we picked her up, we were wrapped around her little paws.

We got Jewel because when our older cat was no longer with us, Angel was lonely and needed a friend. Jewel was suspicious and scared when we got her. She still sticks to herself and tries to stay out of sight, if you try to pet her, she runs away and hides. Unless you have an offering such as food or shes in a loving mood.

Then came Skiddy. This little boy knew what he needed to do to be kept despite being feral. He wrapped around the legs of my father and he used his tiny innocence to work his way into his heart. He came home with my father and that was that.

Then, we were really sure that we would take in just one more. ONE MORE!! Seems funny now. We had a little feline stray on our property, she was feral and didn't trust humans but was hungry enough to climb into our trap. She was terrifed of us, like we were monsters and even more terrifed of our other cats and dogs.

We brought her in, let her adjust (My husband is getting the credit for showing her we can be trusted. He let her attack him until she realized he just wanted to pet her.) and showed her that we could be trusted, that we loved her. She was number four. The last cat we would take in.

Until we realized, she was getting bigger and bigger and her anatomy was changing. We rushed her to the vet. Vet said "She's very pregnant, we can talk about options..." and I said "No! I will find homes for her babies. No options are needed." Vet said "Okay, she's healthy, needs some deworming but she'll have the kittens in about two weeks."

She was an amazing first time mother. FIVE BOYS. Four gingers and one grey. We were just going to keep her OR a kitten, but not more.

My husband and I said, if any of the kittens are disabled or have specail needs, thats the one we will keep. The grey kitten couldn't crawl at first, he dragged himself around and that became our boy. Except that mommy aka Dotty and one of the baby gingers worked their ways into our hearts. And so... here they are. Our little boys (they're three now πŸ–€πŸ§‘)

^ this is Loki, fondly called MoMo most of the time.

^ this is Coulson, fondly called Collie. Sometimes we wonder about this little guy, he loves being as high as possible and we have no idea how he gets up there.

These are my pictures, ones that my husband and I have taken and am the sole owner of.