
Plants on the couch

There are a few things that can take your home to the next decor level, whether you're an interior design master or still use the same furniture you shared with your college roomies.

Perhaps the easiest way to upgrade your home decor vibe? Snag some indoor plants. Before you get nervous, you should know that you don't even have to be a plant expert to be able to flaunt some gorgeous greenery in your space. As a plant parent myself, I'm here to tell you that there are hundreds of options you can shop for online to find the house plants that are most compatible with your lifestyle and living space.

From long, trailing vine-y house plants to ones with blooming flowers, indoor plants make amazing housewarming, congratulatory, and birthday gifts, too.

Doesn't matter whether you are a specialist or a beginner, we have every week great tips for you!

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