Danik in Berlin

Welcome to personal blog of Danik the Cat

danik the cat

Hi everybody! I'm Danik the Cat 😺
I was born in Ukraine but currently live and enjoy my life to its fullest in the capital city of Germany - Berlin.
I decided to start my personal blog "Danik the Cat" to showcase my new life, everyday routine, my favourite leisure activities, snacks and of course the best nap spots in my apartment.

Follow me on my journey!

Some things you should know about me
My favourite activities include:

If you don't like your cat keeping you up in the middle of the night check this link 😸

As I wrote before, I am REALLY into naping. Simply put, sleeping so much is in cats' nature. Humans like to take pictures of me sleeping and post it online. Can't blame them, I am incredebly cute 😸
danik sleeping 1 danik sleeping 2 danik sleeping 3

Coming up next:

Yoga: my new hobby or do you just want to annoy my human ?
danik with yoga