The World of Sign Languages

Multi racial hands with different flags painted on them

What is Sign Language?

Sign language is a visual modality of communicating used by millions of deaf people world wide as their primary form of communication. Did you know there are over 300 different sign languages world wide!

Isn't it just miming and gesturing?

No! Sign language has its own syntax, grammar and lexicon. Many countries now recognise it as equal to the spoken language. Sign language is a natural language and each sign language is further diversified by regional and generational variations, in the same way spoken languages are.

Features of Sign language

It's not just hands that are needed to communicate in Sign language! All sign languages encompass the following features:

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Did you know there is an international day of Sign Languages?

Although sign languages have been around for as long as spoken languages, there is still limited awareness of these beautiful, rich languages. In some countries the true value of sign language has been recognised. However to help raise further awareness there is an international day of Sign Languages on 23rd September.
In England, British Sign Language (BSL) was recognised as an offical language in 2003 but it took until 2022 following relentless campaigning from the Deaf community for BSL to be recognised in law with the same legal protection as other minority languages in the UK such as Welsh.

πŸ‘πŸ½This law was finally passed as the British Sign Language Act 2022πŸ‘πŸ½