
Genealogy is tracing the lines of your ancestors and their descendants. It is the history of your family. It is the untold stories of your ancestors you've always wanted to know. It adds details and color to your family tree offering insights into your ancestor`s daily lives. And most importantly, it is the history that makes you, you.

The word genealogy can be broken down into “birth” and “science” in the Greek language. Today, historians, professional genealogists, and anyone interested in their family heritage know the term genealogy as the study of heritage and family origins.

People have been tracking and documenting genealogical records for thousands of years. As a human race, individuals have always had an inherent desire to know their genetic ancestry whether to prove their family lineage or to discover their family origins.

old photos relatives

9 Tips for Successful Genealogy Research

  1. Start with yourself. Document your birth, marriage (if you had one), and parents.
  2. Talk to your relatives about whom and what they remember from the past. Dont count on your memory – write it down.
  3. Ask open-ended questions besides names and dates. This will give you a fuller picture of your ancestors.
  4. In possible, find out about the livelihood of your ancestors.
  5. Get a library card and ask at your local public library for census records, online records, city directories, and other local records.
  6. Join a local genealogy group if there is one in your area.
  7. Check your state library and archives.
  8. Try online cemetery sources such as FindaGrave.
  9. Check the library nearest you for land record books by Arphax Publishing.

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Czech Ancestry
Genealogical research and heritage tours

Hlinik 831, Trebon, Czech Republic
[email protected]
+420 865 435