🤘🏼 Rock Music Guide 🤘🏼

▶︎What Is Rock Music? 🎸

Driving, intense, energetic, and almost always loud, rock music was the most popular form of music for decades before hip-hop went mainstream. Dominating the airwaves for nearly 50 years, rock spawned dozens of sub-genres – everything from intricate, lyrical folk-rock to the most brutal forms of extreme death metal. It’s played in small bars and sold-out arenas, garages and concert halls, and has made its mark all over the world.
Because its subgenres are so diverse, rock is defined more by its overall aesthetic than any specific musical features (though, as we’ll explore in the next section, nearly all subgenres use electric guitars). Rock is about electrifying energy, especially the youthful, rebellious energy of its founders. Over the years, generations of musicians have found their own ways of capturing that energy, but the same spirit inspires them all.

Men Playing Guitar

▶︎4 Popular Subgenres of Rock Music

✦ Rock 'n' Roll

The emergence of rock ‘n’ roll is often associated with youth revolt and rejection of social norms and gender discrimination. Rock ‘n’ roll songs are full of energy, have catchy melodies, and usually integrate elements from other music genres, like country and R&B.
Rock ‘n’ roll is one of the earliest subgenres of rock music, spreading throughout the late 1940s to early 1950s in the United States. AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, and The Rolling Stones are some of the rock ‘n’ roll giants that heavily contributed to its development.
The early works of rock’n’roll music typically used the saxophone or piano as the lead instrument. However, later on, these instruments were either replaced or used alongside the guitar.


✦ Indie Rock

Indie rock is all about using simple instruments and a clear melody. This type of rock music emerged in the 70s-80s period in the United Kingdom and the United States. The whole point of indie rock was to combat the heavy commercialism of rock music.
The term “indie music” may refer to either independent artists or those within the indie rock genres. The term can be sometimes misunderstood, many artists fit into both categories. They are different but not mutually exclusive!
Some of the most popular indie rock bands include Arctic Monkeys, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Kaiser Chiefs, and The Killers.

Arctic Monkeys

✦ Alternative Rock

Alternative rock had its breakthrough in the 80s as, you guessed it, an alternative to rock as people knew it at the time. The subgenre has many of the characteristics of classic rock, in addition to elements from other rock subgenres or even totally unrelated genres like hip-hop.
Alternative rock is defined by edgy lyrics and experimental use of instrumentation. However, the subgenre remains loosely defined, to the point that it’s used to refer to any music that sounds “similar to rock ‘n’ roll”.
Some of the most popular alternative rock bands include Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, and Sonic Youth.


✦ Progressive Rock

Progressive rock is an experimentation-driven subgenre of rock that emphasizes musical virtuosity, wild compositions, and conceptual lyrics. The subgenre first gained popularity back in the late 1960s with the formation of bands like Pink Floyd, Rush, and Dream Theatre.
This type of rock music is characterized by odd time signatures and long songs. Progressive rock bands also like to utilize complex compositions and instrumentations.

Pink Floyd
🎸Read More About Rock Subgenres!
Coded By Melika Gohari