Everyday is a good day to Workout

Everyday is a day to work out

What a Perfectly Balanced Weekly Workout Schedule Looks Like

With benefits such as better quality sleep, a boost in brainpower , and increased levels of happiness , it's no wonder why exercise is such an important part of your daily routine. The fact that you're getting up and out is a win in itself, but science and experts agree: There are loads of benefits to diversifying your workout plan, including avoiding injury.
"Variety is the spice of fitness," says Adam Rosante, celebrity strength and nutrition coach. "One of the surest ways to hit a plateau is to do the same workout over and over."
While it's not for everyone, you can work out every single day if you want to forgo a rest day — as long as you do so smartly. This means caring for your body as you go and not overdoing it. "You can do cardio or strength training seven days a week if you want to," says Dennis Cardone, D.O., chief of primary care sports medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center. "Especially if you're not doing max lifts and opting for smaller sets of 10-or-so reps." (And be sure you're hitting that foam roller after each workout.)
So how do you structure your weekly workout plan to reduce injury and optimize results? Just click the button "Click to start Workout", enter the day of the week and get a work out plan for today.
Look no further than this perfectly balanced weekly workout schedule courtesy of Rosante. "Give it a whirl, and you can get stronger while improving your overall conditioning and boosting your energy," he says.

Learn more about importance of working out