Why I Love Crochet🧶

Crocheting is an age-old needlecraft. . .

It's not just Granny Squares, it's a life skill . . .

It involves lots' of patience, while knotting yarn, string, thread, or even metal wire using a small hook. Unlike knitting; crochet only uses a single hook. Crochet can be done freeform or following a pattern to create a broad range of items such as blankets, fashion accessories, toys, and even home goods. There are various techniques originating from many different regions that give unique styles.

Learn more about crochet here.


Amigurumi came from Japan, a popular style of micro crochet used to make beloved toys and plushies.

Irish Lace

Irish lace crochet which you see commonly on lace curtains, table cloths, and other fine garments.

Tunisian Crochet

Tunisian crochet replicates a knit look that orginated in France and can be seen on many tapestries and murals.

Mosaic Crochet

Mosaic crochet is commonly used to create intricate color change patterns and textures.


This page was designed by Adessa Morciglio