Turtle Tutors

All About Box Turtles

Eastern Box Turtle

Box turtles, also known as box tortoises, comprise a genus of turtle native to United States and Mexico. There are currently four recognized species of box turtles: Common box turtle, Coahuilan box turtle, Spotted box turtle and Ornate box turtle. The box turtle can be recognized by its domed shell, which is hinged at the bottom, making it possible for the turtle to close its shell tightly to keep predators out.

Box turtles have unfortunately seen better days in the wild. Various factors, most of them human-related such as exports for the pet trade and loss of habitat are causing the population of box turtles to dwindle. Because of this, it's important to know about the threat and what we can do to reverse it.

You should never remove a box turtle from the wild.

While it's not only bad for turtle populations, in some states, it's downright illegal. So if you see a box turtle in the wild and it's not injured, your best course of action is to just leave it alone.

Click here to learn more about how YOU can help conserve box turtle populations.
:: This page was built by Brittany Spielman 🐢 ::