5 facts about
ice cream 🍦

  1. June is the month of the year where most ice cream is produced.
  2. Vanilla was voted America's favorite flavor.
  3. One cone of ice cream can be finished off in 50 licks.
  1. End of the World War II was celebrated by eating ice cream.
  2. About 98% of American families have ice cream in their freezers at all times.

Homemade ice cream

Warmer days are ahead of us and it’s just a matter of time before ice cream becomes a part of our daily menu. Unfortunately, store-bought varieties are not really known for their healthy properties, but you can always make your own with healthier and more nutritious ingredients.

Find ice cream
recipes here:

If you don't have time to cook your own ice cream, you may order our the healthiest and the most delicious one.