Travel Diaries

Essentials, Itinerary and More!

I traveled to San Francisco to visit my friend, Vanessa. She attended the University of San Francisco. We both wanted to explore the city and spend time with one another. The first day there we decided to go relax a bit in my hotel where she would stay with me. That night we went to Chinatown where I bought a cute creme tote bag with the Golden Gate Bridge on it and the words San Francisco at the top. Later we grabbed dinner in Japan Town. Tried these amazing teriyaki rice bowls with sushi on the side that made the dish amazing. Come along with me on my traveling journey to different cities across California. My plan for this website is to share how stress free it can be to travel with organizational skills and tips. For more information about the city of San Francisco and other activities it has to offer. Visit the following link: SF Travel Webpage



Flight Details