
The joy of seeing your food grow.

picture of growing beet

Whether you’re looking for a new hobby, tired of inflated food prices or just want to be more connected to what you eat, food gardening is a great way to save money while growing delicious and nutritious foods.

The idea of growing your own food may sound daunting, which is why we talked to experts who reassured us it isn’t as hard as you think. “I soon learned that once you’ve broken ground, keeping a garden is not much work at all,” says David Toht, author of “Backyard Homesteading: A Back-to-Basics Guide to Self-Sufficiency” and “40 Projects for Building Your Backyard Homestead: A Hands-On, Step-by-Step Sustainable-Living Guide.” “It’s a pleasure to check the garden in the evening and find, say, more snow peas ready for stir-frying, a hidden zucchini that better be harvested quick before it turns into a dirigible and, joy of joys, that first ripe tomato.”

The rest of the article you can read here.

When you are going to start growing your own food, you need some seeds. Below you can order them and see which time of the year you need to plant them.