Reasons that cats is all what you need


You can speak with them

Meow - is your cat’s way of having a conversation with you; telling you about their day, asking you what’s for dinner, when the next cuddle time is. Cats only meow at humans; this vocal communication is reserved especially for you.

To be your own therapist fulltime


After a long stressful day, snuggling up with your kitty and petting their velvety fur can be just the thing to help you relax and unwind. How? Scientists claim there are 3 reasons behind this feel-good action. First, you’re interacting positively with an animal. Second, you’re moving in a steady, rhythmic way as your hand strokes kitty’s fur — hmmm, relaxing. Third, you’re devoting at least partial attention to this calming activity. To return the favor and make your kitty feel great when you pet them, concentrate on the areas behind their ears and eyes, as well as around their cheeks and chin.

Another reasons 🐾

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