Welcome to the World of K-pop.

Music for every mood possible!

K-pop origined in South Korea and is influenced by styles and genres from around the world. On top of its traditional Korean music roots it also has rock, jazz, hip-hop, R&B, electronic dance, folk, country, classical and so on.

Seo Taiji & Boys

The Kpop culture first started in 1992 with Seo Taiji & Boys who debuted on a Korean talent show marking the start of modern K-pop, with its integration of English lyrics, hip hop elements, and dance. By the mid-90s, the K-pop star system had become entrenched in South Korea. Currently, there are various various solo artists, and all boys or all girls group continuing the Kpop culture. Only a rare handful of co-ed groups exist. Not to mention the strict conservative societal view makes it hard for the kpop idols to live a normal life.

Did you know South Korean idols have one of the highest suicide rate?
Female idols have 15.0 death by suicide per 100,000 deaths.
Male idols are the 3rd highest at 32.5 death by suicide per 100,000 deaths.
Here's why.

Buddha once said "All stress, anxiety, and fear of living is caused when we ignore who we are, and start living to please others." That's why, some of the idols today fight back and stay strong, some cry for help, and some try their best to make a change. Here is a list of few new generation K-pop artists that are trying to make a change, promote self-love, and encourage to be who you wanna be:

Please spread more Love!!!

This page is built by Sadia Sanam Sarwar