The Excellence of a Bear
A better animal does not exist (in my humble opinion)
Polar bear
Ursus Maritimus
Found in the Arctic, North America, Greenland, Russia and Norway.
They are the largest living carnivores.
They are excellent swimmers.
Brown bear
Ursus Arctos
They are found in North America, parts of Europe, Asia, and Russia.
The largest bears exist in Alaska and Russia.
Grizzly bears (North American) and European tend are much smaller.
Andean bear
Tremarctos ornatus
Only found in the Andes mountains. Also called spectacled bears due to their distinctive marks around their eyes.
They are an endangered species.
Only surviving species of bear native to South America.
Sun bear
Ursus malayanus
Smallest species of bear.
They have very long tongues (hover on photo to see!) for extracting termites from nests.
They live in south east Asia.
North American black bear
Ursus Americanus
Despite the name, they are black, bluish-black, brown, and white (known as a Kermode or Spirit bear).
They are omnivorous.
They are the most common bear in North America.
Asiatic black bear
Ursus thibetanus
They have long black fur with a distinct white patch on the chest that is often crescent-shaped, hence they are sometimes called moon bears.
They live in eastern Asia.
They are more carnivorous than their American counterparts.
Panda bear
Ailuropoda melanoleuca
Previously believed to be a member of the raccoon family.
They have to consume up to 20kg of bamboo each day as it is so nutritionally lacking!
Habitat loss has meant they are notw only found in only 6 mountain ranges in western China.
Sloth bear
Melursus (ursus) ursinus
They are stocky with shaggy fur, with adaptations that help them hunt for termites.
The only mother bear to regularly be seen carrying their offspring (hover on photo to see!).
They live in Sri Lanka and India.