Social Media & Child Safety

How implementing new laws for social media can increase the protection and safety of minors.

Children on Social Media

Since its rise to popularity in the early 2000s, social media has evolved into various platforms that cater to users of all ages and generations over the years. Many users of social media include those under the age of 18 ("Minors") and due to the lack of laws implemented to regulate the ever so rapid growth of social media since its birth, the safety of minors has continued to be a growing issue of concern as our learning and understanding of social media continues to adapt and expand. One of the biggest safety concerns includes the increase of minors being subjected to exploitation through various platforms in just the last couple of decades. In fact, it has been found that the main group responsible behind these exploitations is none other than the child's very own parents themselves.
YouTube: "Are Parents Exploiting Their Kids on Social Media?""