I love cartoons. I'm going to be 25 this year and I freaking love cartoons, it's a little wierd I don't know. Maybe it's me or the issue with millenials... But when I was a kid everyone told me my tastes would change.
They did, but not in a drastic way, they just evolved. This show changed my life and probably yours too. Sailor Moon is actually gritty and deals with things like death and *gasp* LESBIANS!
I was five or six I'd wake up early and watch tv. I was born to be a nuanced woman of visual entertainment critique (joke). One day a new show appeared - A show about a young blond girl who could turn into a superhero and it captivated me. It just had me glued.
For the record, Sailor Moon was not cool, she was an air-headed crybaby. The animation, while not great to today's standards was much better than 99% of cartoons at that point, and it was different, it had a look I had obviously never seen before.
The monsters were badass looking and the transformations were... mind expanding... not to mention it shows all of the sailo scouts fighting together, but it takes a while for them to all show up. Usually other cartoons didn't make you wait for something like that. But Sailor Moon understood suspence. You wanna see Sailor Saturn almost destroy the earth? You gotta wait until Season 3 episode 30 for that!
Basically the story centers around an air-headed crybaby, named Usagi, and her friends Ami, Rei, Makato, and Minako. Using special powers, they can transform into Sailor Solders.
They become Sailor Moon, Sailor Mercury, Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, and Sailor Venus respectfully. They fight for love and justice against the evil minions of The Dark Kingdom. To help them in their quest, they heed the advice of two talking cats, Luna and Artemis, and also the mysterious Tuxedo Mask.
The characters are lovable and enjoyable. I like the main character, Serena because almost in ever anime the characters are self righteous or arrogant but Serena was Goofy and a klutz and I fell in love with the character just for those things. The comedy was well balanced out and the show had some pretty funny moments!
The comedy was added to balance out the drama and romance and it worked well. That brings me to the romance...i just got to say this show has some of the best hook ups and heart breaks EVER! The action was great! I loved how as time passed the characters got better and learned more and more about they're hidden past and where they came from. I also liked how the show let you get to know the villains unlike most shows where the villain is there just to further the plot by telling his plans or attacking the hero of the story!
Sailor Moon really let you get the chance to know who the enemy really is! In short Sailor Moon is a certified classic and a personal favorite of mine.
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