Cameo Hoyte

Administrative Professional


I have created this page to demonstrate the basics of HTML, Java, and CSS. My coding journey began in 2021 while holding a full-time work from home position.
This journey has been positively challenging, and aligns with one of my hobbies.
Coding is a lot like my hobby I call 'fantasy editing'.
I read labels on each product that I buy, social media responses, and books.
I seek out grammatical errors or sentences that could be formed better. Then, I mark the error and 'correct' it.
Sometimes this requires the use of a dictionary.
Coding is much like fantasy editing.
One misspelled word or forgotten punctuation mark will affect the positioning of text or image.
To get to this point, I have had to re-watch multiple videos or re-read the same resources just to figure out I did not use correct spacing, or I am missing a semicolon in what I wrote.
'Grammar mistakes' in coding will worst of all, have no result.