The mysterious and spiritual energy known as the The Force, binds the galaxy together and can be harnessed by Jedi, Sith, and other force-sensitves. While Jedi reject their emotions and weild the light side of the force for knowledge and defense, Siths in contrast, embrace passion and a desire for power. The most infamous Siths include Exar Kun, Darth Sidious, Revan, and Darth Vader. Despite numerous female leaders in The Rebellion, The Empire and First Order of the Sith have remained largly patriarchal. Few woman have risen from Acolyte or Apprentice to the rank of Lord or Darth. And there has never been a female Emperor. For the Sith to rise again, badass women will need to join the Dark Ladies of the Sith. Learn more about Sith on Wookiepedia