Let's talk about movies!

"Alien" by Ridley Scott

In the far reaches of space, a crew on-board the ship Nostromo are returning to Earth until they receive a distress call, an alien one. Unknown to them, they will soon take back with them the most terrifying creature in the universe: The Xenomorph, a killing machine that bleeds corrosive acid whenever anyone tries to hurt it. All alone in space, trying to warn the rest of the galaxy of the terror that is the Xenomorph.

For forty three years “Alien” remains at the apex of sci-fi horror films. Partly this is due to the quality of the film. Despite many imitators, the original is still the most gripping sci-fi horror ever made. Its pacing, with a slow start building to a frenetic climax, is masterful. Its design has held up where more recent films look dated. For sci-fi, it depends remarkably little on technology. There are spaceships and weapons and androids, but they are not the main focus. It has amazing visual and sound design, great actors, breathtaking story, emotions, strong message that has been incorporated into its disturbing imagery. So, if you haven't seen it yet - what are you waiting for? But remember: In space no one can hear you scream.

Do you have your favourite movie?

"Alien" on IMDB