Here are 4 tips of how to make eLearning experience more engaging:
🦄 Tell a story
Storytelling is one of the most effective ways to relate to your
audience and facilitate a connection with the content, enhancing
learning and memory recall. As such, leveraging the power of
storytelling in eLearning can prove to be a highly effective tactic
for engaging learners and increasing comprehension.
⚙️ Offer a problem to solve
Solving problems is one of the ways to make interactions more
meaningful. Make them feel related to their experience. Lure even
reluctant learners by making them think about how to solve a simple
problem that they actually face in real life. At this point, you
should give them a purpose or a reason to start or continue the
course. Explain how and why it is important to solve the problems
right now.
🕹 Implement gamification
Learning through gaming—everyone would like that, right? And yes, it
has been the popularized feature of eLearning in recent years. Studies
indicate that games enhance the brainpower and one's ability to switch
between different tasks; it also enables people to incorporate
multiple ideas for a problem solution, at a single point in time.
🎨 Make visuals appealing
Interestingly, another word for engaging is attractive. More often
than not, engaging learning content is aesthetically appealing, and
visual design is a great way to get your learners’ attention and
attract their interest. If you don’t know where to start, remember
that less is more. Keep your text short and use white space balance
for a harmonious effect that facilitates reading. Choose quality
images, animations, avatars, and high quality videos, and don’t
hesitate to use great design for your online quizzes. Focus on an
attractive virtual environment and take full advantage of the proven
power of aesthetics that not only initiate, but also sustain