Release The Artist Within.

The thing about being creative is that you allow yourself the room to make mistakes and then grow from them.

There is a stereotypical understanding that - being creative stems from being broke or from fear. But that can't be if there is no will.

I often ask myself what motivated great artists like Picasso, Vincent van Gogh, James Cameron, Michael Moore, Martin Scorsese , and many more. One thing for sure has they very well master(ed) The art of "go with the flow" in their different works of life.

In my field of work(Media), thinking out of the box is inevitable. I consider myself creative and multifaceted.

I have the ability to visualize different outcomes before implementing an idea (not that it's a superpower 😉), but lately I have been doing a lot of video editing. A skill I formerly neglected but only because I didn't want to overwhelm myself.

It is about time I get back on the saddle!

Here is something I put together a while back on a work in progress. Not Jerry Bruckheimer standards yet, but working on it.

Now if you are thinking: "it's not that easy for me" - Pick a direction, make a little progress every day, and keep going.Consistent and focused effort beats talent in the long run.

Share your thoughts! What creative project are you taking up lately?

Coded by Nathalie Kang