What is Ukraine?


Ukraine is Freedom

Ukrainians are born free because freedom has always been at the forefront of all processes in Ukraine. It was at the core of the country’s independence.
After the start of the war in Ukraine and the heroic resistance of the Ukrainian people
Ukraine was called the capital of freedom.
‘If freedom has a name, its name is Ukraine’: EU Commission chief. Learn more

Ukraine is unique culture

Ukraine is a highly traditional country, where the observance of certain customs and practices plays a central role in its culture. Ukraine has unique and diverse culture that is based on ancient Slavic traditions and symbols. Learn more ukrainian-cuture

Ukraine is Traditions

Customs and traditions of Ukrainian people are very diverse and have deep roots in Trypillian culture, the periods of the early Slavs and the Kyivan Rus; they arose from a mix of a pagan and Christian background.Learn more

Ukraine is Natural wonders

Diversity is undoubtedly a key feature of Ukraine: mountains, forests, sea coasts, endless rivers and lakes, valleys and prairies, pink lakes, and even a desert— Ukraine has it all. Learn more

Ukraine is Unique architecture

Every single city in Ukraine is ancient and beautiful. However, the most visited ones are definitely gems of the world’s architecture.There are a dozen splendid castles, thousands of miles of cobbled streets and hundreds of historically important monuments. Learn more

Ukraine is people

The biggest potencial of Ukraine is its peolpe.
Talented and brave Ukrainians made a huge contribution to all spheres of social progress and continue to do so. Learn more

Ukraine is Delicious cuisine

Ukrainian cuisine is incredibly diverse, and every region has its own specialties. However, some dishes have made Ukrainian cuisine famous in the culinary world. The culture of Ukrainian borshch cooking “was inscribed on UNESCO's list of intangible cultural heritage in need of urgent safeguarding”. Learn more

Ukraine is incredible!