Our book club is a space where you have access to a variety of reading formats. It is an all emcompassing Reading Niche, and was created to promote active reading; thus, challenging our own preconceived notions.
Most of our selected readings will be non-fiction, historical fiction, and speculative fiction. The list of books and sources will be diligently curated by our team of teachers and former educators, who are willing to devote their time and expertise to present historical, factual, and empirical/evidenced-based information.
Every month, we will select a book (including audiobooks) or articles to be
discussed live on Zoom. We will also be offering titles that are on
the public domain such as Librivox 🎧.
👉🏼 Please, check out this month's book selection and JOIN our live
Note: Only individuals age 18 and above are permitted to participate in our book club.