The benefit of plants

House plants

Releives stress & anxiety

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Whether we are trekking through a patch of woodlands or simply heading to the park to walk the dog, a walk outdoors in nature lifts our mood.There is a reason for that. Nature is well known to help us alleviate stress, depression and anxiety. Surrounding yourself with plants indoors helps to trigger the same chemical response in our brain on a smaller scale, releasing serotonin also known as ‘the happy hormone’ which lifts our mood in a completely natural way.

If you work from home, you might find that including a few plants around your desk area can actually be more beneficial than not having them at all. In 2017, a study showed that people who work in spaces with greenery had a 26% boost in cognition and they recorded 30% fewer sickness-related absences. Bringing plants into your home working environment
whether we work at a desk or the dining table can help us concentrate easier and get through our work faster.

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If you work from home, you might find that including a few plants around your desk area can actually be more beneficial than not having them at all. In 2017, a study showed that people who work in spaces with greenery had a 26% boost in cognition and they recorded 30% fewer sickness-related absences. Bringing plants into your home working environment
whether we work at a desk or the dining table can help us concentrate easier and get through our work faster.

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