happy lady

Art 🎨 by © dunki-sabri


This humble webpage will introduce you to some aspects of Islam.
It is structured into 3 main parts, that will hopefully arouse your interest
& leave you wanting to learn more about this beautiful religion.

✔ Islam is the final revelation of God,
delivered through Angel Gabriel to Prophet Muhammad.
Its message is universal & timeless,
& is meant to be a guidance to all of Humanity till the end of time.
Here's a short presentation that clarifies these concepts:


✔ There's a widely spread idea that Islam oppresses women.
Mainstream media often portray Muslim women as victims
of a harsh patriarchal system.

Does Islam really promote violence against women?

One can't deny that there are people,
among Muslims & non-Muslims,
who treat women poorly & with disregard,
but their behavior contradicts & violates the teachings of Islam.

In the short animation series [below 👇]
the Yaqeen Institute debunks some of the common myths
& misconceptions about the treatment of women in Islam.


✔ With so much violence committed in the name of religion,
many people believe religion is to blame.
A quick look into the history of violence shows how this is incorrect.
The last video below sets the record straight on extremism,
Islamophobia, & religious violence.
